What essentials do you need in your reception area


Every reception area is a hive of activity with people coming and going and receptionists working hard to ensure that everyone knows where they need to be. The reception space needs to be organised and warm and welcoming so that it gives a great first impression of your business.

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There’s nothing worse than wandering into a strange reception area island being completely unsure where you should go and whom you should talk to. A well signed, inviting, well-placed desk is the best way to avoid this and if you are looking for a desk then why not visit Bestbuyofficechairs who can supply you with Next day delivery office desks Make sure your desk is prominently placed with suitable signage, ready to greet visitors with a cheerful staff member or a system whereby they can reach someone to let you know they have arrived.


A comfortable waiting area is also a must. Even if sofas create a homely, stylish look, individual seats are better than sofas, as people can often feel uncomfortable walking in and sitting right next to strangers. Padded seats are great with soft fabric coverings, but if you think they may be a little impractical, then try faux or real leather effect chairs that are easy to clean and can be bought cheaply from auctions and discount stores sometimes.

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It is essential that visitors have something pleasant to look at, other than magazines and a TV, which enhances the environment around them and makes them feel safe and welcome. Photographs and paintings and plants are popular decorative options. In particular, plants have been shown to generate a sense of calm and happiness-according to the ancient Japanese Feng Shui tradition, placing plants on either side of your entrance door actively welcomes guests into your office and can bring the company prosperity and wealth as well.

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