Why staff development should be a top priority


In any organisation, your staff are your prime asset. And as an asset, they need to be nurtured with the right kind of development. Here, we take a brief look at some of the main reasons why this is important.

1. Cheltenham business advisory services and those elsewhere often point out that great staff are natural advocates of any business. So by developing your employees, you create powerful advocates who act as marketers of your brand. This applies to your consumer market and to your recruitment endeavours.

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  1. When happy employees talk about their jobs to their own network, you are likely to get more applications from other good candidates. These candidate pools are the holy grail for employers, so one of the best ways to develop a cyclical recruitment strategy is to look to your own ambassadors first, and develop your employees so that they talk to others about what a great employer you are.

    3. Highly developed staff are usually high performers too. This is because they feel motivated and competent in their roles and are inclined to perform to the best of their ability. This creates a powerful culture and a high degree of employee engagement, which pays off in better overall business results, as confirmed by advisory specialists such as: randall-payne.co.uk/services/business-advisory/.

    4. It reduces staff turnover

    When staff feel a lack of investment in training and development, attrition rates soar. This gets very expensive for your business and creates a negative reputation as an employer that doesn’t invest in its staff. The costs can really mount up if you start to see your high performers going to your competitors.

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  1. It creates a positive, learning culture

    Staff who are developed tend to have more ideas and are likely to share them. They are likely to ask to take on new projects and to develop new products or services. This all helps to build your business and to offset the cost of training.

    Although the prospect of investment and development for staff can be daunting, it needn’t be. Not everything needs to be delivered via an expensive course. Creative ways to invest in your staff include secondments, internal projects, volunteering and internal training. Think broadly and get your employees to submit their own ideas. Sometimes job swapping, shadowing and other internal opportunities can be a great way to learn.

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