Why some people get more ear wax than others


Ear wax or cerumen is a natural by-product of our ears. It plays an incredibly important role in helping to keep our ears moist and free of dust and debris. In some cases, a person can produce too much ear wax and this can cause a problem with hearing. It is important that if this occurs you look for Ear wax removal near me and find a specialist who can help you.

There are a number of different factors that are believed to have an impact on whether someone may produce more earwax than others. Here are just a few of those reasons.

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Genetics – as we know genetics play an incredibly important role in many aspects of our health. Certain genes can influence the consistency and the makeup of our earwax. This means that it can lead to either an increase in the amount of ear wax that is produced or it can influence how thick and therefore troublesome the ear wax can become.

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Age – as we age the production of our ear wax changes. Ear wax is made up of sweat and oil and as we age we produce less of this as the glands responsible for their release become less active.

Hygiene habits – some people can make ear wax worse as they use cotton swabs to try and clean their ears and inadvertently end up pushing the ear wax further into the ear canal.

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