Why the PM needs to focus on mental health


When Rishi Sunak spoke of his priorities, on which the country was to judge him during the next election, he spoke of halving inflation, growing the economy, and reducing NHS waiting lists. Notably, this pledge to reduce waiting lists was entirely non-specific, with no mention as to which specialities within the NHS this would target most strongly.
Alongside this comes an increase in demand for mental health services following the pandemic. In particular, compared to before the pandemic there is a 77% increase in referrals of children and young people for mental health support. Services were already stretched pre-pandemic, and the situation has only worsened with this increased demand.

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Community support

With services struggling to such an extent, it has fallen on community members and other professionals to fill in the gaps. Professionals such as teachers, community workers and children’s home workers are now finding themselves completing mental health training courses, in an attempt to support those accessing their services.

With this need presented so clearly, the cracks in the NHS’s support for mental health are showing more than ever. Never before have we relied so heavily on community volunteers to provide such urgent healthcare services.

Focus on training

Mental health professionals must be recruited and trained to address the staffing issues that so heavily contribute to the waiting times currently seen. Mental health leaders have issued warnings that without a focus on mental health training courses and recruitment, the issues will only continue to worsen, with over a third of nursing vacancies across the country currently being for mental health nurses.

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Given the severe impact of mental health issues on individuals and society as a whole, it is clear that this is data which cannot be ignored. With the current cost of mental health problems to the economy of at least £117.9 billion annually, mental health must become a focus before Mr Sunak’s other goals can be achieved. Priorities such as economic growth and reductions in inflation cannot be met if this gaping omission in care standards doesn’t see improvement.

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