Getting Planning Permission to Build an Extension

Home Improvement

Adding an extension to your home is something that can help you to get more space and stay in the home that you are currently in rather than going through the process of moving house. However, before you can turn your dream home extension into a reality, there is one thing that you must ensure you have – planning permission.

Before you begin, you need to have a good idea about the process of getting planning permission and how it all works. Get to know what the planning policies are in your area and speak to the people who are in charge of the planning to get a greater understanding of what the process is and what regulations are in place when it comes to planning in the area.

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When you are designing your home extension, find an architect who is familiar with your local area. For example, if you live in London, find someone like this residential architects London based company as they will be aware of what the planning restrictions and regulations are locally. An architect will be able to work with you to design an extension that is much more likely to be approved, so you won’t have to waste time going back and forth until your application is approved.

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Be aware that there are often setbacks when it comes to getting planning permission- even with expertise and knowledge, there can be delays and rejections, so it is important to persevere if this is something that you really want.

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