The Golden Ratio: Your Ticket to a Perfect Kitchen

Home Improvement

The golden ratio has its origins in the 1500s. Originally being used by mathematicians, Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings rocketed it to more common knowledge among artists and the public.

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It may be hundreds of years old, but the golden ratio is still as relevant as ever. The golden ratio appears frequently in nature and therefore is aesthetically pleasing to humans. As a result, it is a common feature in interior design, helping to create rooms that feel peaceful and calm.

How interior designers use the golden ratio

It is not just ancient artistic greats that use the golden ratio. Even in modern times, graphic and interior designers pay more attention than ever to the magic numbers.

By using the ratio as a guide, interior designers working on a kitchen refurb can create breathtaking kitchens that flow with ease and feel natural to live in. Furthermore, the golden ratio can draw your eye away from parts that may be best hidden.

A kitchen refurbishment company will often have the golden ratio at the top of their mind when working with you to create your dream kitchen. The golden ratio can help to solve some of the hardest parts of a kitchen refurb, like where to put the sink, or how to hang your pots.

The golden ratio in kitchen layouts

Kitchens are one of the key places where interior designers use the golden ratio. This is because kitchens can be awkward spaces. Appliances often need to be in certain places due to utility locations, and rooms can be awkwardly shaped.

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By sticking to the golden ratio, the appliances that need to be in set locations can be offset and made to look just right, with art and cupboards hung in just the right places.

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