What’s in the school prospectus


The school perspective needs to be a document that is easy to read and understand by anyone wishing to attend the school.  To this end it has to have a lot of information inside it.  Ultimately it’s a marketing tool promoting the school and making sure that new students come and attend it.  If you’re in the market for finding a new perspective you could do the best thing and contact School Prospectus Design experts fsedesign.co.uk/school-prospectus-design. Ensure that the school prospectus contains all of the following points.

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The prospectus must be a way to show  all of the schools unique selling points.  It needs to make it clear what the best features of the school are and how it stands up from the rest of others.  This means you’ll have to put in the prestigious academic programs, the sports department achievements and what extracurricular activities can be undertaken when you’re there.

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The school perspective is not a document that you can cut corners on; it needs to have high quality images that represent the best of the school.  The school needs to come across in a very positive light, and that includes its pupils, so you have to be careful who you choose to include in it.

Above all else make it easy to read. It doesn’t have to just appeal to adults, it also needs to appeal to the students themselves, so that they will actually think that this is a place where I can thrive, make friends and learn

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