How stress can affect our bodies


There are many ways that stress can affect our bodies and our minds, and some of these can be useful, and some can have a lasting impact. We need a certain level of stress in our lives to help us function. It can help us to meet a short deadline at work, or it can help to encourage us to study for an important exam. But too much of it can cause a number of symptoms and, in some cases, can lead to more significant mental health issues. There are ways that you can find out more about these conditions, and attending Mental Health Training Courses like the ones from is a great place to start.

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Emotions – stress can cause havoc with our emotions. It can lead to people experiencing intense emotions such as anger and sadness. These emotions can appear out of nowhere and can last for long periods of time.

Physical – some of the physical symptoms of stress can include headaches, nausea and, in extreme cases, even palpitations. Again these can occur randomly and can last for differing periods of time. Each person will experience these symptoms in a different way, and it is important to get these checked with your GP to rule out any other conditions.

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Mental – mental symptoms that can occur include lack of concentration and motivation as well as brain fog and a reduced capacity to remember new things.

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