The Benefits and Support that Pets Give to Elderly People


Pets are one of the greatest pleasures in life to many people, and in particular can be a huge help to older people. The comfort that a pet can bring is something that only a pet owner will know, and for older people they can help to keep them busy and active, provide them with joy and humour, as well as companionship when they are feeling lonely.

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Of course, when you are elderly, life can give you many more challenges and keeping pets can be hard if you have health conditions or struggle to get about. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you can’t own a pet – there are many handy disability aids like this that can help with all sorts of things, from helping you to walk so that you and your dog can still exercise together, to ways to help you feed the pets without having to bend down.

Animals are amazing at being able to tune into their owners, and a dog seems to have a sense of when their owner is struggling with life and finding things hard, and they can offer a sense of friendship and support. Cats are also known for being able to soothe and help people – for example, did you know that the frequency of a cat’s purr can help to heal bones?

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Even if you are struggling to get about, there are plenty of solutions that can keep both you and your pet happy together.

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