Tips and Tricks for Eliminating Odours in Your Home

Home Improvement

Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, and the place where you can feel comfortable after a long day of work. This is why any disruption to your home can cause havoc with your life and mental health. Unpleasant odours can quickly turn your cosy home into an uncomfortable space. There are many causes of bad odours in your home and it is important that you know how to identify them and fix them to return your home to a comfortable place to live. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to deal with bad odours in your home.

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Regular cleaning is the first line of defence against bad odours in your home. Over time, if left uncleaned, mould can build up in certain areas of your house. This mould can then begin to spread and give off a bad smell. Other stains and spills, if left uncleaned can end up creating a bad smell, so it is vital that you properly clean up after yourself. You should also try to regularly clean your carpets and sofas to ensure that they are not harvesting any bad smells.

One of the common sources of unpleasant smells in a home is due to the drains. Over time, a lot of food and grease can end up going down your drains and will cause a build-up and begin to fester. If you begin to notice a bad smell coming from your drains, it is vital that you deal with it as fast as possible to stop it from getting worse. Start by pouring boiling water down your drains to clear any buildup, then use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, which will help to break down the grease and eliminate any remaining odours. If this does not work, then you may need to contact a Drain Jetting Reading company that can clean out your drains for you. An example of one of these companies is

Proper ventilation in your home is essential for eliminating odours and preventing them from occurring. If your bathrooms and kitchen are not fitted with an extract fan, then it is a good idea to install them around your home. You should also try to keep windows slightly open throughout the day. Not only will this remove odours, but it can bring fresh air into your home.

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